Since we left Darwin in Sept 08 , we have changed our rig several times. We left Darwin with a Concept21' towed by a Nissan Pathfinder which we purchased in Nov 06 with view to towing. We bought the Concept in June 08. It was 18monhs old . Buying it in June gave us several months to fit it out etc and make any adjustments. At the time we were living on a rural block in a camper trailer. We were house sitting an incomplete house for friends.

This was the rig we had as we travelled down from Darwin and across Qld, then down through Qld and NSW. It was the same rig but minus the satelitte dish that we took to Tassie. We lost the dish somewhere on the Waterfall way , but only noticed it when we pulled into the Little Styx riverside camp area just outside of the New England National Park.

This rig saw us up hill and down dale and round lots of winding steep roads in Tasmania. We bought a new satelitte dish at Ulverstone but decided to carry it on the front of the van as the pole it was attached to on the back was also lost in northern NSW.
In Adelaide we went looking at Vans , but with no real plans of buying another van.
However we came across our current van , a 23' Traveller and fell in love with it at first site as it had all the features we were missing in our old van. So a week later we were the proud owners of a new caravan.
We had this rig for about 6 months . We travelled back to Darwin with it and then back down through the NT and across Qld then down the coast into NSWagain. Some of our travels took us to back to favourite
spots and we also explored new areas.

This is our latest rig . We bought the Landcruiser Ute in Cessnock, NSW just before Xmas and Lynn is finding it much easier to stow all our bits and pieces. The back tray has been modified several times and I'm sure he will rearrange it many times yet .
Well the back tray has been modified but in a big way as it now has a canopy and curtains on it . We got them fitted in Darwin. The sides of the canopy have mesh liftup and lockable sides and it also has a ladder on the passenger side so that we can acess the roof to cart wood etc. The canopy came in handy this afternoon as it allowed Lynn easy viewing of the caravan roof to identify a red trickle of liquid that must have been coming from some palm nuts. Lynn has also rearranged the other roof rack so that the spare tyre is now in the back and the tent etc is now stored on top of the cabin. This wouldn't have been an issue if the dealer had told us that the tray wasn't high enough to put the spare underneath when we bought the ute. They only told us about it when we went to pick it up . It is not a Toyota tray but we were told it was identical except for the step shape. You can't trust 'em
Lynn's updated toy |